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江苏东方热力机械有限公司(原为阜宁县东方热力机械设备厂),是通过ISO9001(2000)国际质量认证企业。设有“东方热力机械研究所”一个,是集生产与科研为一体的综合性机械加工企业。江苏省专利百强企业。江苏省星火技术密集区重点企业。是“重合同守信用”单位。 “AAA”级信用企业。 我公司具有雄厚的技术力量,优良的机械加工设备。具体设备有:立式车床、鞍式车床和数控车床,型号有CK6140、C6136、C620、C630、C5263、CW6180、C61800、CZ611203等型号车床加工设备;有1000T、500T、100T、80T、50T等冲床及液压机床; Z50钻床、镗床、铣床、磨床、刨床、氩弧焊机、等离子切割机、剪板机、电焊机、卷板机、行吊等机械加工设备189台(套)。   检测手段完善,为计量合格确认单位。企业生产经营严格按照ISO9001(2000)国际质量管理体系标准运行。 公司下设办公室、研究所、经营部、生产部、技术部、质检部、化验室、计量室;生产设有金加工、铆焊、锻压、热处理、电镀、总装、油漆、木工、密封材料、机修等部门。 产品生产制造严格按照有关产品标准和生产工艺流程图纸加工。 主要产品种类有:应用于热力管道补偿器类:球型补偿器,旋转补偿器,单(双)向自导式伸缩补偿器,无推力平衡式伸缩补偿器;各种规格型号、形式的金属波纹管补偿器,各种规格形式的非金属补偿器。 应用于热力管道支吊架、管夹类:各种形式、型号的导向滚动支座、双导向滚动支座、万向滚动支架,聚四氟乙烯滑动支架,各种形式型号的弹簧支吊架,阻尼器,管卡、管夹、管部、管件等 电站辅机类:万向补偿器,球形轴向补偿器,三维球形补偿器,三维洛氏连管器,维氏连管器(卡箍式挠性管接头),格栅式煤粉分配器、防振式防爆型(三次风)煤粉分配器、风门、板式热交换机组等电厂非标产品制造。   阀门类:微阻消声球形止回阀、高中压截止阀、闸阀、球阀、止回阀、疏水阀、柱塞阀、过滤器等.   人防产品类:防爆波阀门、防爆波地漏、防爆超压排气阀、自动排气活门、手(电)动密闭阀门等地下人防通风设备产品。   密封材料类:东方节能密封填料、东方节能盘根等新型密封堵漏材料产品。   我公司产品遍销全国各地,深受用户好评。我们可根据您的要求生产您需要的产品;您的需求,是我们的追求;追求完美、东方热力、一心再努力;没有最好,只有更好”。   我们的质量目标是:1、产品质量满足顾客要求,符合国家的法律法规;2、工序合格率达98%;3、交付产品合格率达100%;4、产品质量投诉率为“0”;顾客满意率达100%。   我们的质量方针是:以精立业,满足客户要求;以质取胜,提供可靠产品;以诚相待,提供优质服务;顾客满意是我们的宗旨。欢迎您来人、来函索取资料,我公司恭请您莅临指导! Jiangsu Dongfang Thermodynamic Machinery Co.,Ltd.(It’s original name is Funing Dongfang Thermodynamic Machinery Equipment Factory) is an enterprise which passed ISO 9001(2000) international quality certification.It, attaching a Dongfang Thermodynamic Machinery Institute, is an integrated machining enterprise of production and scientific research, one of the 100 top patent enterprises of Jiangsu province, one of the key interprises of spark technology intensive zone of Jiangsu province,one of the contract honoured enterprises and one of the “AAA”grade credit enterprises. Our company has a strong technique power and excelllent machining equipment.The facilities are as follows: Vertical lathes,saddle-type lathes and CNC lathes, which models are CK6140,C6136,C620,C630,C5263,CW6180,C61800,CZ611203 and so on;Punching machines and hydraulic machines,which models are 1000T、500T、100T、80T、50T and so on; Z50 driller,borer,miller,grinder,planer,argon welder,plasma cutter,shearer,electric welder,roller,rail mounted crane and other processing equipment,which are 189 units(sets). We have perfect inspection methods and are the qualified measurement manufacturer confirmed by related departments. We are strict in our production and management in accordance with ISO 9001(2000). There are General office,Institute,Supply and marketing section,Production and technology section,Laboratory,Metrology room in our company.As for production,there are the workshops of machining,rivet welding,forging,heat treating,electroplating,assembling,painting,sealing material and machine repairing. Our production manufacturing are in strict accordance with the related product standard and drawings of production process flow. Our main products are as follows: Compensators applied in thermodynamic pipelines:Spherical compensators,Rotary compensators,One-way(two-way) self-directed expansion compensators,non-thrust balanced expansion compensators;All kinds of types of metal bellows compensators and non-metal belows compensators. Supporthangers and pipe clamps applied in thermodynamic pipelines:All kinds of sliding roller supports,double sliding roller supports,universal rolling supports,PTFE sliding supports;all kinds of spring support hangers,dampers,pipe clamps, Pipe spare parts and pipe fittings. Power plant auxiliary machines:Universal compensators,spherical axial compensators,three-dimensional spherical compensators,three-dimensional Rockwell pipe connectors,Vickers pipe connectors(ferrule flexible pipe fittings),grille distributors of pulverized coal,Vibration-and-explosion proof(tertiary air) distributors of pulverized coal,Dampers,Plate heat exchange units and non-standard power plant products. Valves:Tiny drag silence spherical check valves,Middle and high pressure globe valves, Gate valves,Ball valves,Check valves,Steam traps,Plunger valves, Filters and so on. air defence products:Explosion-proof wave valves,Explosion-proof wave floor drains,Explosion-proof overpressure air bleeding valves,Automatic exhaust clacks,Hand(electric)full welded valves and other underground civil air defence wentilation products. Sealing materials:Dongfang energy-saving gaskets, Dongfang energy-saving packing set sealing materials and other new types of energey-saving sealing materials. The products made in our company are widely sold all over the country and are well received by our users.We can produce them in accordance with your requirements;Your requirements are our pursuit; We,Dongfang Thmerodynamics, pursue ferfection and try our best;Have no best,only better. Our quality objective are as follows: 1.Our products must meet the customers’requirements and be in line with national laws and regulations. 2.The passing rate of processes reaches at 98%. 3.While delivery,the passing rate reaches at 100%. 4.The product quality complaint rate must be zero;and customer satisfaction rate is 100% Our quality policy:To have sophisticated technology,ensure customer satisfaction; To win through high quality,supply reliable products;To be honest with each other,provide good service;Customer satisfaction is our aim. Welcome visitor or letter requests for onfirmation.Your presence and guidance are request.
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公司名称: 江苏东方热力机械有限公司
公司地址: 江苏省盐城市阜宁县城阜阳路88号
公司网址: http://www.dfrljx.114qyw.cn/
联 系 人: 许刘军 (先生)
最近登录: 2011-07-20 15:14